Manual Optical Delay Line
The VDL-002 family of manual variable optical delay lines are small, shorter range delay lines that allow a user to adjust the delay to a desired position and then lock it in place.
Product Description
The VDL-002 is a fiber coupled delay line with the delay adjustment path in free space. The delay is adjusted by manually turning a screw on one end of the device, and position is read from a scale on the side. The device includes a locking screw to lock the position setting. It is enclosed in a sturdy, water-resistant enclosure.
The delay line is available with either single mode or PM fiber pigtails.
Solutions and Applications
The VDL-002 is designed for OEM applications that require short-range optical path adjustment to find an optimal position and then lock it in place. Applications include optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems, test equipment, and network modules.
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