HTS40n1 Transmitter Type 1
The HTS40n1 is a transmitter for the T-Ray® 5000, the first compact pulsed terahertz measurement system that is robust enough to be deployed in an industrial environment and has all of the flexibility provided by our fiber-coupled sensor heads in a rack mount package.
Product Description
The HTS40n1 Transmitter Type 1 for the T-Ray® 5000 provides high output power with high spectral bandwidth. The enhanced low frequencies provide higher material penetration for imaging voids and disbonds in high-frequency scattering media. Coupled with an HRS40n1 receiver, the HTS40n1 transmitter provides bandwidth above 3.5 THz and signal to noise ratio above 70 dB. By maximizing low-frequency power, the HTS40n1 is ideal for applications where high material penetration is required for imaging, particularly in scattering or absorbing materials.
Operating in either reflection or transmission mode, the fiber-coupled sensor heads deliver a picosecond duration time-domain terahertz pulse, allowing high speed, scanned images to be easily produced.
Solutions and Applications
The T-Ray® 5000 terahertz measurement system is robust enough to be deployed in an industrial environment and has all of the flexibility to solve your measurement application.
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