The Luna Quarterly
A Message from Luna's COO

Dear Luna employees, partners, customers and stakeholders:
First, let me start by acknowledging what an honor it is to have been appointed Luna’s Chief Operating Officer. I started my journey (and career!) with Luna over 19 years ago and what an amazing journey it’s been. Luna is a much different company today than it was back then. While we’ve accomplished a tremendous amount, when I look at the opportunities that lie ahead, in many ways I feel like we are just getting started. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to help lead Luna into the future.
Speaking of gratitude, as we find ourselves gradually emerging from one of the worst global crises in history, I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you that helped Luna persevere. Over the course of the last year – a timeframe that unfortunately saw too many businesses flounder – we added significantly to: our product offerings, our technical capabilities, our global footprint and customer base, and our team of incredibly talented individuals. Because of the dedication, professionalism and grit of our employees, Luna is emerging stronger than ever. Again, thanks to all of you that made this possible.
And to our global base of customers, partners, investors and to everyone else in the Luna family, we express our gratitude to you for your continuing support.
Looking to the future, I’ve been thinking a lot recently about our vision to Enable the Future with Fiber, and our mission to enhance the safety, security and connectivity of people. I believe we are well positioned to deliver against these guiding principles. When we entered the COVID crisis, we talked with our teams about taking advantage of the changes in the way we work to not only “inspect what we expect” but to do so with the mindset that we would emerge in a better place. I’m happy to say I see evidence across the business that we’ve done just that. Even though we are still separated and limited in our ability to travel to see one another, we are working smarter and are more connected than ever given the emergence of the digital tools that are now commonplace in our daily lives.
As the world begins to open up to travel and COVID restrictions gradually begin to ease, I look forward to seeing more of you in the office on a regular basis and catching up over a coffee; to getting out to see the new sites Luna’s acquired over the last year and meeting those of you I haven’t meet in person; to seeing our customers in person again and engaging in the often invigorating collaborations that result; to getting back to in-person trade shows and learning in real-time about the advancements our industries made over the last year; to seeing those of you that invest in Luna live at our various investor conferences and talking in-person about our exciting growth opportunities; and in general to a general return to operations that combine the best of both the old and new “normal”. The way we do business is forever changed, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all.
I wish you a safe, happy and healthy summer.
Warm Regards,