
What is HD-FOS and How Does it Deliver New Testing Insight?

As the automotive industry continues to develop new lighter weight material systems and move to electrification, new design challenges are created that will require new advanced methods for test, measurement and validation. Fiber optic sensors can reduce time to first measurement and go where strain gages and temperature sensors cannot – in tight bends, on small details and even embedded inside composite materials. In addition, they are small, lightweight and flexible, immune to electromagnetic interference and chemically inert.

High-Definition Fiber Optic Sensing (HD-FOS) provides thousands of millimeter resolution measurements per meter on one fiber optic sensor. Traditional data acquisition (DAQ) systems, on the other hand, employ discrete electrical sensors that are relatively bulky, require multiple wires and are limited to set measurement points.

HD-FOS will help automotive manufacturers speed new technologies to market while lowering the risk associated with the introduction of new materials and processes:

• High definition data helps accurately characterize high strain or thermal gradients that can only be estimated with point sensing and traditional DAQ systems.
• Fiber can reach hard-to-instrument places and at only 150 microns in diameter can be embedded into components without influencing parameters under test.
• Fine mesh finite element models of critical components can be validated with certitude.

At Automotive Testing Expo Oct. 23-25 in Novi, Michigan, Luna is presenting a session, “Distributed High-Definition Strain and Temperature Measurement Delivers New Testing Insight,” which will discuss how more data and more insight provided by HD-FOS results in more complete model verification, enhanced damage detection and development of smart parts.

Learn how high definition data from HD-FOS can fully map the contour of strain or temperature for a structure under test or during manufacturing.