Cracking, Corrosion, and Carbon Nanotubes – Come See How We’re Working with Each! (Part 1)
Jeff Demo Electrical Systems Team Lead Intelligent Systems Group There’s a lot of activity right now in Luna’s Technology Development Division, and we’re trying to get the word out. What better way to learn about all of our cutting edge technology than to come hear our experts speak about their work at one of the many conferences we present at each year. The first event coming up in March is the 2015 IEEE Aerospace Conference. At this conference, Jeff Demo will present Luna’s ongoing technology development related to aircraft corrosion monitoring. Details about his presentation are below. In our next blog post (Part 2), we’ll let you know about additional events in March, so check back next Wednesday to find out about more of our upcoming conference activity. We hope you can make it to one of these events to learn more about our work! Aircraft Corrosion Monitoring and Data Visualization Techniques for Condition Based Maintenance Conference: 2015 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT Presenter: Jeff Demo ([email protected]) Date, Time, Location: March 8, 5:20pm. Lake/Canyon Room, Big Sky Yellowstone Conference Center8
Exposure to harsh, corrosive environments during operational and on-ground activities can have significant contributions to aging and structural deterioration of airframes. To provide in situ measurements of environmental severity, Luna has developed and deployed the corrosion monitoring sensor suite for aircraft (LS2A). The LS2A sensor nodes measure, record, and analyze environmental and corrosivity parameters in difficult-to-access locations within airframes. The system supports maintenance exposure tracking through autonomous data analysis techniques for tracking and visualization of environmental severity within airframes for clear, intuitive, and informative presentation of long-term environmental exposure. The visual representation techniques provide maintainers with a method of determining locations where corrosion mitigation is required, and daily and seasonal periods of time when environmental exposure is most severe. Jeff’s presentation will focus on aircraft deployment of sensor nodes, analysis of data collected in the field, and visualization techniques for clear, concise, actionable data presentation.